it's me

For professional purposes, I edited the sock out of this photo, but here I am, telling you about it anyways. Basically I'd love for you to feel totally at home here. I'm a real life woman. Nothing's airbrushed and I'm rocking the grunge look most of the time. It's ok. You'll fit right in.

here's where I introduce myself

I'm Michelle Cross. 

Fun Fact: I didn't want to be a nutrition coach. I didn't like learning about it. The only reason I pursued it is because I kept getting questions regarding nutrition while training clients at the gym. A deep sigh and money's later, I purchased the course, studied, passed, and became a nutrition coach. Funny. I now love it. I love teaching people about it. More than that, I love SIMPLIFYING it; explaining complicated verbiage to people in practical, human terms through illustrations until I see the lightbulb come on in their faces. That's what I aim to do in my coaching sessions, and what I want you to get out of it. Your very own lightbulb moment. I want it to make sense for you. 

What blows my mind, is how nutrition and exercise has played such a huge emotional healing role in my life. Did not see that coming, but grateful it did. I learned things like "progress not perfection", "taking messy action," and how my actions are not who I am. It's separate. Different things. My value does not come from the things I do. That's unbelievably cool.

Through exercise you begin to discover the inner strength you didn't know you had. That discovery and the confidence it brings, spills over into all areas of life. Being a part of that discovery in someone else's life is such a privilege. Never in a million years did I dream that this is where I would be or what I would be doing, but it just makes sense.

I initially began exercising as a way of physically balancing the emotional lack I felt after experiencing anxiety and depression. I just wanted to feel strong, in control, and capable. I'm sure you can identify in some aspect. We all can. That's humanity. We find strength in overcoming our weaknesses. When we share that with others, it's a way to lend hope and increase community through vulnerability and our shared lack of control. It's beautiful. 

Ultimately we REFUSE to stay the same; a victim of circumstance. Instead, we choose to CONQUER the brief, glorious life we've been given and thrive. 


I met my husband in high school. Started dating a few months after graduation, and got married 3 years later. He's better than I ever dreamt he could be. I don't even care that it sounds cheesy because I say it so sincerely.


Look, Jesus has done some amazing emotional healing in my life through this nutrition and exercise thing. It's all so connected it consistently blows my mind.


Never thought I'd make a great classroom teacher. Turns out I'm really good at simplifying stuff for people to understand. I get emotional every time I get to play a role in making someone's life journey better.

business owner

Like I'm a business owner in that I do all the things you would expect that I do i.e. (taxes, LLC, contracts, websites, etc.) What it really means is that I'm really good at Googling things and watching Youtube tutorials.

look, it's me